Sunday, April 13, 2014

Vander's First Easter Basket

I had so much fun building Vander's First Easter basket! While those of you who know Dylan and I, we are not especially religious. We actually discussed it and decided to still do the whole Easter thing, under the context that it is a celebration os Spring. Once Vander gets older, we will definitely make sure he understands the Christian aspect of Easter as well, but for the most part it is a celebration of new life and the changing of the seasons.

Let me show you Vander's basket!

Step 1: Get a basket! We got ours at Pottery Barn.

Step 2: Add filler. We went with alphabet word blocks instead of using grass or some other filler.

Step 3: Add toys. We went with splash balls that he can play with in the bath tub.

Step 4: Add snacks/treats and add eggs. I found these sports themed Easter eggs at Toys R Us and added yogurt melts, Annie's white cheddar crackers, Earth's Best sweet potato pops and Earth's Best smiley grahams.

Step 5: Add books. We figured we want to have something educational in his basket each year.

Step 6: Add clothes. Especially at Vander's age and ever growing size, we need new clothes! I found some cheap sandals and we wanted to get him some Rockies gear for the summer.

Step 7: Add adorable stuffed animals (besides the main bunny). I absolutely fell in love with these new "Itty Bitty" stuffed animals I found at Hallmark! I seriously plan to go back and buy all of them.

Step 8: Add the annual bunny. I found this adorable bunny at Hallmark. I looked at Toys R Us and there were no options. I asked my mom and she suggested Hallmark. Apparently that is where my first bunny came from and I held on to that thing until I was 9 (and still have it in my save box in my basement in fact). So that put a lot of pressure on the first Easter rabbit!

I think it turned out absolutely perfect :) So stinking cute and fun!
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