Monday, April 13, 2015

Easter 2015

The New and Improved Otley Clan (i.e. now a family of FOUR!) went to Nebraska for Easter to visit family and show off the Marshmallow.

While we all had a great trip, I would have to say Vander had the most fun! 

We went to the Strategic Air and Space Museum in Ashland since Vander has been super into airplanes. It was such a beautiful museum and completely awe inspiring. I would love to go back in a couple years and do the guided tour where they take people inside the planes and learn more about all of the planes. This trip was all about seeing planes up close and actually touching them!

We did some easter festivities with Dylan's family on Saturday. Vander got to die Easter eggs (with a lot of big plops in the dye) and go hunt for eggs. Marshall got a lot of snuggles. 

Easter morning the boys found the Easter Bunny delivered some goodies! (I took the basket pictures the week before when I was putting everything together)

Vander went to go check out the tractors before we headed up to visit my family for Easter dinner. He loved it and absolutely didn't want to leave.

We went up to Omaha for the afternoon and I basically only saw Marshall when he needed a new diaper or to eat since my family all hoarded him. Vander and I went to the park and he played with everyone.

It was a fantastic weekend! Hooray for Spring!

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