Monday, July 11, 2011


Hey look! I can grow things in my yard! I really didn't think that was going to go so well this year.

I know nothing about flowers or gardening. I think these are daffodils?
 This is a pink flower. That is all I've got.
 I love these! (It may or may not be because it is purple...) We have one set in the front to the left of the garage and another in the back by the patio. They have a great trellis they climb up. So pretty!
 I think these are some kind of daisy thing. I didn't get a picture of these at the best time. A lot of them had lot their petals, but still great color.

All I have to say is thank goodness for a sprinkling system. We would be epically doomed with our yard otherwise. We do still need to fertilize... I keep thinking we'll be home to do stuff, but now even when we are home I am inviting people over for dinner so we don't have time.

Well we do have flowers and they are perennials, so as long as I do what it is that I need to do so they grow back next year.
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