Sunday, January 8, 2012

Planning Out Life In Colorado

I didn't even realize I needed a plan until I got a free issue of 5280 Magazine from my work.

The main article is "155 Things Every Denverite Must Do This Year."

I had recently been trying to figure out some stuff for Dylan and I to try to do this year, but hadn't gotten too far into thinking yet and it was pretty vague.

Then this article appeared and if looks like it could be a busy year! I went through and starred all of the things that sounded particularly appealing to me. I thought I would share my top items with you and then if any of you want to go with me, let me know or my blog at least can help try to keep me more involved in life in Colorado!

Every January we have the National Western Stock Show. I have never been myself, but we had the Stock Show Parade go by my office and then I got to talking about it with a couple of my co-workers. I am definitely not a country or western person but I think we may try to go! It started this weekend a goes through the 22nd. I am busy at work these next couple weeks, but I think I'll try to go over for an evening maybe next week.

The other January event I starred was Adolph Coors III's birthday, January 12th. It says to go do a tour of the Coors Brewery. I have never been and it's one of those tourist-type attractions that a lot of out of town people go to. I know we won't go on the 12th, but it would be fun to do this year!

February 11-19 is the Colorado Garden & Home Show. I REALLY want to go to this! I will make sure this goes on my home calendar so we remember to go (That is a very sizable work in progress, my home management binder, so look forward to a lot of posts on that in the weeks/prolly months to come!). Since we will be re-landscaping our back yard and I love getting ideas for my house, I really want to go.

We also have Denver Restaurant Week, which is February 25 to March 9. A bunch of really nice restaurants in Denver offer a multi-course meal for $52.80 per person or per couple depending on the location. We finally went for the first time last year. Delicious and definitely a great deal. As the article says, reservations are a must!

This year St. Patrick's Day falls on a weekend and now that I don't work in public accounting I should be free and not working. Every year Colorado has a sizable St. Patrick's Day parade, so I would like to check that out and definitely go out and celebrate!

May 25-28 is the Downtown Denver Arts Festival. Just something in Colorado that I wasn't ever aware about and think would be cool.

June 21 to 24 is the Telluride Bluegrass Festival. These last couple years Dylan and I have wanted to go, but last year it was right before the wedding so that wasn't going to work. A lot of people go camping in the area and it would be an interesting weekend.

Another event that I have never heard of the Venice on the Creek where you can take a gondola ride on the Cherry Creek river. It's like $100, but sounds like a really cool experience.

Every year I always want to and never do go to the Parade of Homes. In Denver is it August 9 to September 3. It is from homes from $300,000 to $1 million+. It would be great to get some more decorating ideas and see some really pretty houses.

August 25 is the Boulder Kinetics, which is an event where people race human-powered vehicles on a reservoir. My mom used to go volunteer and then they didn't have it for a couple years but now it sounds like it is back! It is hilarious and there is beer and food, so sounds like a good time to me!

September brings the Taste of Colorado, which I experienced for the first time this last year. It is August 31 to September 3rd. They have a lot of delicious samples of a lot of restaurants in Denver.

After that it involves mostly cold or alcohol themed events. Since I probably won't be drinking the second half of the year, they aren't really on my radar. The main thing I would like to do is the Parade of Lights downtown. I used to go when I was little, but it has been quite a long time by now.

So quite a few things to go to this year! I look forward to being more involved in my Colorado culture and what living here has to offer. Let me know if anything catches your eye!
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