Sunday, May 15, 2011

Atlanta Thoughts

Overall, I was not a huge fan of Atlanta.
Granted I started out by having to take the city train at 9pm through the city and then a homeless person decided to escort us to the hotel since our directions were wrong and he obviously proceeded to ask us for money.
The city was just empty. We are staying right down town and even though we only left the hotel after 6:30, there was nobody out. In Denver, especially when it is nice out, there are always people out and about and eating dinner or walking around. The only other people we really saw were homeless people and the Atlanta Ambassadors and police that hung out on most corners. So it was just weird.
We went to an Atlanta Braves game, which was really fun. That was so empty too! Granted it was a Tuesday night game, but it was emptier than any Rockies game I had been to. And they had no cup holders in any of their seats! The game was fun through and mostly just made we want to go to a Rockies game.
Most people were nice and easy going, but there was such a huge population of homeless people. I see them all the time in Denver and Boulder, but I definitely felt there were more in Atlanta. People from home have asked me about the accents, but I really haven’t felt people sounded overly southern (no True Blood Louisiana/Mississippi accents going on).
I also did go to the original Ted's Montana Grill! Delicious as always. And we checked out a beer garden, that was really cool too. So at least they have a lot of cool places to eat at.
I still want to go visit Savannah, but I don’t think I’ll be coming back to Atlanta unless I have to.

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