Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Vander's First Plane Ride

A couple weeks ago I decided last minute to take Vander with me to fly to Omaha.

I was heading out to Omaha for a baby shower for one of my cousin’s (who is having identical twin boys!) for the weekend. It was a really busy week leading up to my trip so I hadn’t seen Vander much and by the time Thursday rolled around it dawned on me that I wasn’t going to see him for three days.

When I posted the fact that I was going to miss him on Facebook, my relatives in Omaha were shocked that I wasn’t bringing him. I looked up the rules and costs to bring him with me on my Southwest flight and it was going to be totally free. Since he is under two he could sit on my lap for free. I was able to check a bag for him in addition to his car seat for free, and I gate checked a stroller for him as well. Once I arranged for a pack n play in Omaha for him to sleep in, we were all set!

Since I was traveling with an aunt and a cousin, that made my decision that much easier since they could help entertain him if needed.

Vander was absolutely fantastic the whole time, both on the flight there and the flight back. I knew before that I was blessed with an easy baby, but I doubly believe it now.

Vander was totally quiet while going through security since he was completely fascinated by all the people and everything.

I was especially nervous since he had just started actual crawling (as opposed to army crawling) the day before our flight and I didn’t think he would do well being cooped up. Thankfully the planes were both relatively empty and Vander had space to play on the seat between my cousin and I. He entertained himself with his toys, had some of his bottle, tried to play with the hair of the woman in front of me, played with the straw from my drink and totally cracked up when I made weird noises and played with the window shade for him.

He had no issues with his ears on the flights and no throwing up, which I was worried about since Dylan has issues with that. I did get the opportunity to change a diaper on the plane since he decided to poop during the hour and fifteen minute flight.

I am sure his age made things much easier, and I am still kind of nervous for taking him on his next flight when he is around a year old and likely walking. I am glad I had my aunt and cousin with me so I was able to take myself to the bathroom and not have to figure out how to do that with a baby.

I am so glad I took him! He was able to visit his grandparents and great grandparents.

He had a blast hanging out with his cousins who are the same age as him. It is so fun to see how they are all growing up together!
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