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My first little boy :) |
Other than that, we had our 30 week check up this week, so some quick stats:
My Stats: Weight up another 4 pounds, in two weeks. Still no concerns from my doctor, but that puts me at about 32 pounds up. Since I felt like my belly got wider this week, I feel like I can point out the additional four pounds pretty well. My blood pressure was good, my blood test results from last time were good, everything is right on track!
Baby Stats: His heart rate was 140, so not too different from 134 last time. I asked our OB about her thoughts on inductions and c-sections, since that is what we have been talking about in our baby class. She is generally of the mind unless there are no options, she will work with us as long as we want to avoid an induction or c-section. One of the times where it isn't really an option is if he is breech (for those non-moms out there, that means he would not have his head facing down, and we want him head down for delivery). I mentioned I felt like he was still moving around a lot and our OB attempted to figure out what position he is in, without success. So we get to have an ultrasound at our next appointment to see what position he is in! I am so stoked to get to see him again :) We don't really need him to start being in position until 36 weeks, but I guess generally once they get head down they stay that way. I know this is not always the case, since my sister did a flip when they broke my mom's water. Really, I am just excited to get to see him and not have to wait a full (approximately) 10 weeks!
This week was also our last child birthing class. We both really enjoyed the class and learned a lot, but were glad to have it over. It will be nice to have our Monday nights back and I will be glad to not have labor dreams every Monday night. This class covered C-sections, which were quite terrifying looking. We were even only watching an animated version of a c-section, but that was bad enough. I guess one in three deliveries is a c-section, so there is definitely a chance I will end up having one, but it would be nice to avoid if possible. Overall in class I learned that it is best to be open minded about how your birth goes. Your birth is definitely your own, but it may not go how you would ideally want.
In nursery news, we are ready to start! (Check out the plans here) We went to Home Depot and bought our paint. Sailboat for the blue and Clear Skies for the white, no joke. We ordered the blinds for the room. Our current blinds are tied in place at half way up -- as in totally not effective. We ordered white cordless blinds so we don't have any cord safety issues (not that the crib is by the window anyways). We found the closet organization system we will get after we paint. The entrance for the closet is small and not a normal size (46") so we can't do bi-fold doors, which was my most recent idea, so we will likely stick with a curtain for now and just store the sliding doors in the basement for if we decide to go back to those. Also, the crib got delivered to my parents house this week and we just need to make our final selection on a glider so that can get ordered.
Overall feelings this week: Mostly just excited we are getting closer! And excited that I get to see him again in two weeks. I do wish I knew when he was actually going to make his arrival. Since you only have a 5% chance of delivering on your due date, that doesn't really help limit when he will arrive. Well we have a lot to do between now and then so we will keep on keeping on.
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