Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Celebrating Our First Year: Medieval Style

As I mentioned last post, we celebrated Vander's First Birthday twice, once at the beach and once at home with a big party!

Since the playroom is medieval themed, we decided to use that for Vander's first birthday theme as well.

I found the invites on Etsy and had them personalized.

We hung up some basic decor and I made the birthday banner for him.

The cakes turned out amazing! We ordered them from a local bakery Cakes Amore, and they looked amazing and tasted delicious!

The last little bit of decor was the banner on Vander's high hair.

I didnt go overboard with the theme, as evidenced by the burrito bar for our food that was clearly not medieval themed. I thought I was able to give some nod to a theme but didn't go overboard.

The party went well! We had a lot of people. Dylan's parents came out, most of my family from Denver were there and some of Vander's friends were there too. We probably could have rented out a room somewhere based on the number of people, but it seemed a little much for a first birthday! I think it worked out well enough.

Everyone seemed to enjoy the burrito bar, and although I bought WAY too much food, we did not run out! After everyone ate, we watched Vander dig into his cake.

Vander clearly enjoyed it! He got a bath afterwards and definitely turned the water green.

After everyone else got some cake we opened presents. I, er... Vander, got so many fun toys! Of course his favorite toy was a sand toy and bucket set from great grandma that he went off and played with while I opened everything else. (I know I haven't written about the whole South Carolina trip yet, but Vander played with the bucket set there all the time!)

It was a great party and I am so glad so many people came. We will hopefully be able to do two smaller parties next year since it was a bit cramped, but I felt two parties for a one year old was a bit overkill. I think everyone had fun and enjoyed the burrito bar and cake. Vander had a blast and that is what matters the most!



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