Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Week 35: Baby Shower and Baby Visiting

I almost cannot believe he will be here in technically five weeks! Even crazier that he could be here and considered term in two weeks.
There is so much going on, it is almost hard to fit it all in one post!
I had my 34 week appointment last week so I have a stats update.
My stats: My weight was up just over a pound, which is perfect since the baby is gaining about a half pound a week. I am at 34 pounds gained total, so I will end up just a little bit over the "ideal" 25-35 pounds.  My blood pressure was great and no concerns from the doctor. I got a note for my flight in case they had any questions or concerns at the airport.
I think this was Thursday
Baby stats: His heart rate was 148. We will check me next week to see how everything is coming along, if at all, and will check his positioning at that time. Otherwise he seems like he is doing well. He is still a consistent mover, but it is more stretching and pushing than hard kicks. The weirdest part is the punches down below, such an awkward sensation!
My symptoms: Belly button is still in, but getting very flat. I can't decide if I will win or lose that battle. I just started having some swelling in my feet and hands this last weekend in Nebraska. Friday night I had to take off my rings at 3am, and I took them off before bed the next night as well. Since being back in Colorado I haven't had any issues with my hands. Saturday afternoon during and after my baby shower, my feet started swelling. It was definitely due to doing a lot of standing and due to the heat. They stayed really puffy through yesterday, but were close to normal this morning. Now they are swollen but not terrible.
I swear I grew another inch out on Monday!
I defnitely decided that I never want to be pregnant in Nebraska during the summer. It was like 83 degrees on Sunday, which sounds nice, but then you add in humidity and being pregnant and it was terrible. I was melting. It was so nice to drive down to Lincoln and have the AC blowing straight on me.
Other symptoms include mostly just being tired. I am very ready for work to be done at the end of the day, and no matter my intentions, I just want to lay on the couch all evening. (Which generally works out pretty well to get some blogging done at least!) My heart burn is still around, so evidently the baby hasn't dropped yet. Somehow I feel like I have to pee even more often though, so I am getting the worst of both worlds. The braxton hicks are carrying on about the same.
On to my weekend! I had an amazing time hanging out with all of my family. My mom, sister and I had a great time together. We did some shopping and got pedicures. My sister and I had some time to catch up and be sisters. She is very excited to be an aunt, but I think she is also partly sad about not getting to spend as much time with me and how things will change.
My shower was so much fun! It was so great to hang out with my other pregnant cousins. They are both having their second kids, and one is due a week before me and the other is due a month after me.
My friend Katie was able to make it too. She is from here in Colorado but living in Iowa, so it was easier for her to go to the shower in Omaha. She came in town a little early so we would actually have some time to catch up.  
We ate food and played some games, and then I opened all of my presents. My mom said she had never seen so many baby clothes, especially boy baby clothes! I will definitely need to sort and see what I have of each size after my shower this next weekend. The best part is we were able to fit everthing into the two suitcases I brought and we didn't need to ship anything. The big stuff was shipped directly to our house.
On Sunday I went down to Lincoln and I got to spend time with a baby! Dylan's friends had their baby boy a month ago. I figured since I will have a baby of my own soon and it has been awhile since I interacted with a baby, I should probably get some baby time in. It was great to get to chat about their labor and the first couple weeks of parenthood. Plus holding a baby reassured me that I won't be totally clueless about what to do.
The last event of this week was that we ran into someone from our baby child birthing class. Just the dad, but he was so excited he recognized us! He said everything went well and their baby girl was born on April 8th (they were the first to be due in our class).
I just can't believe my life will be changing soon! For the most part I can't even really wrap my head around it. It is going to be such a unique and new experience going through labor and delivery. Then the whole parenting thing will be such an ever changing adventure. We are definitely looking forward to it!

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