Monday, August 18, 2014

S'more More More

Last weekend we took Vander camping for the first time! It was so much fun and Vander absolutely loved it. Our little munchkin is a nature boy for sure.

Grandma and grandpa (Dylan's parents) made it super easy for mom and dad too :) We joined them up by Grand Lake and they found this excellent camping spot in a good patch of trees right by the lake. It was beautiful. Their friends that live in Grand Lake part of the year let us use their camper, which they completely set up and took down for us before and after we were there. Grandma brought and made all the food for us and the whole thing was such a breeze. I will have to remember that will not be the case next time we go camping!

Vander loved the fact that there were no walls and we hung out and followed him around pretty much wherever he wanted to go.

We went into the water a little bit.

He had a little tin cup that he played with all evening that he could fill up with rocks or dig with or just hang on to.

He tried his first s'more, which he loved. This kid already has a sweet tooth! Parents of the year over here for sure.

Mostly he ate and snacked the entire time. I didn't feel too guilty since he was running around the whole time as well, but I have never heard and seen the sign language sign for "more" so many times. Talk about welcome to toddlerhood! And Vander's little face is so serious and pathetic when he says and signs for more, you just can't say no to him. Of course he usually has a specific snack in mind so he will shake his head no until you offer the right one.

Vander slept decently well, he woke up a couple times, but we couldn't maneuver around the pack n playing the camper very well so we bumped him when we each came to bed. You would have thought he would be more tired from the running around, but he was totally energized by the outdoors.

I had heard before that toddlers are impervious to the cold, but I was freezing and Vander was totally fine in the morning! We still put his super cute hoodie on top of his fleece pajamas. He literally ran around growling. So stinking cute!

Then we got him dressed and were able to put on his superman shirt from grandma since it was cool enough to put on long sleeves.

After we packed our stuff back up we headed into town for some brunch and then headed back home to enjoy the last bit of our weekend.

It was a great little trip and it was so nice to spend time with Dylan's parents. We will definitely be camping again soon! Once Vander can talk I am sure he will demand it every weekend.


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